Regular eye tests not only check the degree of sight but also the health of the eye so don’t be tempted to skip this because nothing seems to have changed. A balanced diet is essential, as is sufficient rest – not just a good night’s sleep but also not working too long at any task where the eyes remain closely focussed without a break. Protection from bright sunlight, dirt, dust and smoke can make a real difference long term so don’t ignore sore, irritated eyes, they are trying to tell you something!
If you are considering food supplements to help maintain eye health in particular, a plant pigment called lutein is especially useful. It plays an important role in the macular of the eye where it helps to protect the delicate light-receptor cells from damage by filtering out harmful light. Another group of plant extracts called antioxidants in the form of the pigments called PCOs are also known to help promote eye health. The PCOs extracted from bilberry, blackberry and grapeseed are naturally rich in this important compound.